Compliance and integrity in all its business processes are of great concern to philoro's management. That is why philoro offers the opportunity to report internal violations, illegal or unethical behavior anonymously and confidentially.
All employees and natural persons with an existing or former professional connection can report grievances, violations of the law or actions that are damaging to the company.
The following framework conditions are important to us when submitting and processing reports:
Protection of the persons involved
Protection against false allegations
A concrete and well-founded suspicion can also be reported anonymously, in German and English, if desired.
The following independent channels are available to you:
You can also send your message directly by e-mail to [email protected].
z.H. philoro Whistleblowing Office
Businesspark 2
A-2100 Korneuburg
Please note that appropriate service points are available for complaints and objections to philoro Group products or services. Information on this can be found on the respective philoro websites or can be obtained from our stores.