philoro stands for the highest quality standards!

We are a multiple award-winning test winner in the precious metals trade - get an overview of philoro's awards and distinctions.

Since its foundation, philoro has been named test winner over 100 times in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.

A golden trophy is held aloft.

Focus Money 2024:

philoro honored among gold savings plan providers in 5 categories!

The independent German Financial Service Institute (DFSI) in Cologne regularly examines the market and retailers using a sophisticated questionnaire on behalf of the German magazine Focus Money, whereby the data collected is rigorously checked for truthfulness and reliability using random samples. After all, transparency, conscientiousness and trust are essential prerequisites in this market.

In the latest survey, philoro was named "Best provider of gold savings plans", "Best storage and delivery", "Best price", "Best contract design" and "Best service" among gold savings plan providers by the experts at DFSI.

Seal of approval from Focus Money with the grade “Very good” for best contract design
Seal of approval from Focus Money with the grade “Very good” for Best Price
Seal of approval from Focus Money with the grade “Very good” for best service
Seal of approval from Focus Money with the grade “Very good” for best storage & delivery
Seal of approval from Focus Money with the grade “Very good” for best provider of gold savings plans

EURO am Sonntag Goldhändlertest 2022:

philoro is overall test winner - for the 2nd time in a row!

Leipzig, 08.11.2022:

philoro EDELMETALLE is Germany's best precious metals traderin 2022 according to €uro am Sonntag. We scored 98.5 points (out of 100 possible points) and achieved the best EURO am Sonntag ranking in philoro's company history: Best precious metals traders at EURO am Sonntag 2022.

This is confirmed by one of the oldest and most comprehensive precious metals trader tests in Germany. The renowned magazine €uro am Sonntag, together with the German Customer Institute (DKI), put the industry giants through their paces.

8 precious metals traders were evaluated in around 136 customer contacts according to 300 individual criteria.

The result:

philoro scored "BEST" or "TOP" in all categories. In the overall evaluation, philoro achieved the overall victory and is the test winner with the highest number of points.

We are also particularly pleased about the award for our scrap gold purchase in the web store and in our stores.

In the following areas, philoro scored "BEST" or "TOP":

  • Conditions

  • Security & transparency

  • Trade

  • Customer service

  • Purchase scrap gold

  • Overall rating

We are proud of this test victory and would like to thank our customers in particular for their many years of loyalty and the trust they have placed in us.

Seal of approval from Euro am Sonntag for best precious metal dealer and top scrap gold purchase

Branchenmonitor 2022:

philoro achieves 1st place in customer satisfaction!

philoro SCHWEIZ AG was examined by the Swiss Institute for Quality Tests GmbH as part of the "Branchenmonitor 2022" study on the satisfaction of Swiss consumers and was awarded 1st place in the "Customer Satisfaction" category. As the satisfaction of our customers is our top priority, we are particularly pleased about this confirmation of our work.

In the "Gold & Coins (Online Shops)" sector, philoro was recognized in the following categories:

  • 1st place customer satisfaction

  • 2nd place price-performance ratio

  • 3rd place customer service

Seal of Branchenchampion for 1st place customer satisfaction Gold & Coins

EURO am Sonntag Goldhändlertest 2021:

philoro is test winner 2021!

Leipzig, 11.11.2021:

philoro EDELMETALLE is Germany's best precious metals trader in 2021 according to €uro am Sonntag.

This is confirmed by one of the oldest and most comprehensive precious metal trader tests in Germany. The renowned magazine €uro am Sonntag, together with the German Customer Institute (DKI), put the industry giants through their paces.

10 precious metal traders were evaluated in around 280 customer contacts according to 300 individual criteria.

The result: philoro scored "good", "very good +" or "1st place" in all categories and was the test winner with the highest number of points.

In the following areas, philoro scored "good" or "very good +":

  • Conditions

  • Security & transparency

  • Trading

  • Customer service

  • Purchase scrap gold

  • Overall rating

We are proud of this test victory and would like to thank our customers in particular for their many years of loyalty and the trust they have placed in us.

Seal of approval from Euro am Sonntag for test winner in the precious metal dealer test

Top service quality 2021: philoro honored by Sachwert Magazine!

In a data survey carried out by the business magazine Sachwert, philoro was recognized for outstanding service in the precious metals trade. The survey was based on, among other things, the quality standards set, customer satisfaction and the implementation of training measures.

Seal of approval from Sachwert Magazin for top service quality

€uro Magazine:

philoro safe deposit box was named test winner in 2021!

As part of an extensive test, the German Customer Institute (DKI), together with the specialist magazine €uro, examined a total of 24 providers of safe deposit boxes for valuables.

The result is impressive: philoro was named the outstanding provider of safe deposit box solutions. The top ranking is based, among other things, on the high service quality, security, transparency and the competitive and consumer-friendly price structure.

Seal of approval from Euro am Sonntag with an overall rating of very good for safe deposit boxes for valuables

European Publishing Awards 2021:

philoro magazine Au79 received awards

The European Publishing Awards honor the best magazines and digital media in Europe. The philoro magazine Au79 is one of this year's winners. In particular, the quality of the content of the reports as well as the design and conception of the covers were particularly convincing.

Seal of the European Publishing Award Winner 2021 for Cover Au79 and B2C Consumer Publishing

Branchenmonitor 2020:

philoro achieved 1st place in several categories!

philoro EDELMETALLE GmbH was examined by the ÖGVS as part of the "Branchenmonitor 2020" study in February 2020 and recognized as the leading precious metals trader in Austria in several categories. This award also underlines that philoro EDELMETALLE is one of the leading precious metal traders in Austria.

philoro was awarded in the following categories:

  • TOP customer service (online shops)

  • 1st place customer satisfaction (chain stores)

  • 1st place price-performance ratio (chain store)

Seal of approval from the Branchen Champion 2020 in the area of top customer service, 1st place for customer satisfaction and 1st place for value for money

EURO am Sonntag Goldhändlertest 2020:

philoro receives top marks and offers the best prices and conditions!

Leipzig, November 2nd, 2020:

philoro EDELMETALLE is one of Germany's best precious metals traders in 2020 - as in previous years.

This is confirmed by one of the oldest and most comprehensive precious metal trader tests nationwide. The renowned magazine €uro am Sonntag, together with the German Customer Institute (DKI), put the industry giants through their paces.


10 precious metal traders were evaluated according to 265 individual criteria in around 280 customer contacts.

The result: philoro performed good or very good in all categories. In the overall evaluation, the company received the rating very good. In the prices/conditions category, philoro was voted first, ahead of all other providers.

philoro achieved the grades Good or Very Good in the following area:

  • Prices/Conditions

  • Security & Transparency

  • Trade

  • Customer service

  • Overall rating

We are proud of the award and would especially like to thank our customers for their many years of loyalty and the trust they have placed in us.

Seal of approval from Euro am Sonntag for the overall rating of very good in the precious metal dealer test

€uro am Sonntag 2019:

philoro Germany receives top marks

philoro EDELMETALLE is again one of Germany's best precious metals traders in 2019.

This is confirmed by one of the oldest and most comprehensive precious metal trader tests nationwide. The renowned magazine €uro am Sonntag, together with the German Customer Institute (DKI), put the industry giants through their paces. 14 precious metals traders were evaluated according to 265 individual criteria in around 360 customer contacts.

The result: philoro scored good or very good in all categories. In the overall evaluation, the company received the rating very good. In the service category, philoro was voted first, ahead of all other providers.

philoro achieved top marks in the following areas:

  • Customer service

  • Security & Transparency

  • Additional: purchase of scrap gold

  • Overall rating

  • Conditions

We are proud of our colleagues in Germany. Above all, they would like to thank their customers very much for their many years of loyalty and the trust they have placed in them.

Seal of approval from Euro am Sonntag for overall rating very good, conditions very good, scrap gold purchase very good, security & transparency very good, service 1st place

The Handelsblatt confirms: The philoro web shop is one of the best web shops for precious metals in Germany in 2019

In an extensive study, Handelsblatt determined which web shops are among the best of the best.

The result: the philoro web shop is one of the best web shops for precious metals in Germany.

About the survey method:

The basis of the study “Germany’s best (online) traders” is a representative online survey as a customer-consumer survey. So-called panelists are invited to evaluate the objects of study, here: providers from the retail sector.

The registered panelists have socio-demographic characteristics so that invitations can be representative of the population. No customer addresses of the providers are obtained or used. The customer survey is self-initiated and without the involvement of the retailers examined. Each company (retailer) is shown to 1,000 consumers for evaluation in several survey waves.

For each retailer, only the answers from customers/consumers who have used services from the retailer being evaluated in the last 12 months are evaluated for the ranking. Each panelist receives a manageable selection of retailers to evaluate and to state whether they were or are customers of this retailer.

Seal of approval from Handelsblatt for Germany's best online retailer