Investment gold is tax-exempt according to § 6 Abs. 1 Zi 8j UStG.
philoro gold bars are produced by LBMA-certified refiners
The security of your investment is very important to us. philoro gold bars have unique security features that protect the precious metals against any manipulation. The philoro logo guarantees the high standard of the gold bars.
All refiners producing philoro bars comply with the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) Responsible Sourcing Program. This gold bar was produced by Valcambi S.A. in Switzerland on behalf of philoro. Valcambi S.A. is a certified manufacturer according to the Good-Delivery-List. This is also evidenced by the smelter mark “CHI – ESSAYEUR FONDEUR” on the gold bar.
The quality of the bars meets the highest international standards. Each bar is issued with a certificate that guarantees authenticity, origin and quality.
Did you know: 10 troy ounces correspond to 311.03 g?
Sustainability and social responsibility
The mining and processing of gold for the philoro production are subject to the highest ecological and social standards. The certificate guarantees ethically sound conditions for employees and the environment.
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Gold bar 10 oz – buy at philoro
In addition to the Gold bar 10 oz - philoro, we also offer a wide selection of gold bars. We are happy to offer you our comprehensive advice on the subject of gold bars. We guarantee the highest quality for the products we sell. That is why we work exclusively with internationally recognized and established manufacturers.
See our wide range of products for yourself: visit us in one of our stores or buy gold bars online . At philoro, you are certainly better advised!